HYDERABAD: Film director Raja Aditya Tambi committed suicide by hanging in his room at Hotel Basera in Secunderabad, the police said on Saturday. His latest Telugu movie ‘Malli Malli’ was released on Saturday.
Motive behind his death is not yet known, the Gopalapuram police station Inspector, B. Muralidhar, told reporters. No suicide note was found in the room. Tambi checked into room no. 305 of the hotel, 10 days ago. He used to go out in the morning and return by 8 p.m.
As usual, he returned to the room on Friday night. An assistant director, Sriman, along with a car driver, came to the hotel to pick him up for a film shoot around 9 a.m. on Saturday. As there was no response despite repeatedly knocking on the doors, they alerted the hotel staff who opened the doors with a duplicate key only to see the director’s body hanging from the ceiling fan. “He hanged himself with bed linen,” the Inspector said. Thirty-eight-year-old Tambi, whose original name is Rajakumaran Tambi, is son of Malayalam film producer and director, Sreekumaran Tambi. Born in Kerala, Aditya grew up in Chennai and worked under director Priyadarshan for four years.
‘Pourudu’He acted as child artiste in some Malayalam films and later worked as assistant to several eminent directors in Bollywood before beginning his career in Telugu film industry. He began his career in Telugu films by directing ‘Ishtam’ produced by Usha Kiran Movies. He shot into fame by directing another film ‘Pourudu’ starring Sumanth and Kajal.
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