HYDERABAD: Chief Electoral Officer I. V. Subba Rao on Thursday cleared a proposal by the Praja Rajyam to organise the party’s Praja Vijayabheri at Parade Grounds in Secunderabad on March 21. He directed district Collectors to issue the required vehicle passes with validity for two days (March 21 and 22) so that party followers would not face any problem from the police while entering the city from districts and going back.
He complimented the PRP for coming out with a clear plan on the public meeting, specifying even the number of vehicles expected (2,000 to 3,000).
PR to release first list on March 22
Staff ReporterBALLAPADU (Krishna district): The Praja Rajyam is all set to release its first list of candidates who will enter the fray in general elections at Hyderabad on March 22.
Praja Rajyam president K. Chiranjeevi told a press conference here on Thursday, before setting out on the final day of his road shows in Krishna district, that the party would announce the names of about 100 to150 candidates. The list of remaining candidates would be announced at a later date.
In response to a question, he made clear that Buragadda Vedavyas, the sitting MLA of the now abolished Malleswaram constituency who switched loyalties from the Congress, would enter the fray, but did not mention the name of the constituency. The announcement is being widely seen as endorsement of Mr. Vedavyas’ candidature from Machilipatnam Assembly constituency. Mr. Chiranjeevi also reiterated that Raavi Venkateswara Rao would be fielded from Gudivada. He said the party had done a comprehensive study of the candidates aspiring to contest taking various factors into consideration. Selecting a candidate was a Herculean task for the Praja Rajyam, as the party had to look into various aspects and also ensure that its ideology of social justice was met.
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